Please enter your information in the fields below. This information is used to send the results of the self-assessment, as you will be unable to come back to the site for your results after you have closed your browser window.
The data contained in this self-assessment may be used for academic research to improve teaching and learning. Your contact information and any other identifying data will not be disclosed to any external party as a part of the research.
Please email if you have specific questions about how your information may be used.
There are a variety of online resources available to learn basic and specific computer skills. The E-Learning department recommends LinkedIn Learning which has a vast catalog of expert-led courses on computer technology. Some courses have a fee, but faculty can take advantage of a free trial to brush up or learn something new. Visit LinkedIn Learning to search for the specific skill or tool you want to learn.
Complete the Quality Matters: Gauging Your Technology Skills workshop. The college a Quality Matters affliate and the E-Learning department will pay for the cost of this workshop. Email to register.
Review this help documentation from Blackboard for support in navigating the Blackboard Ultra system.
There are a variety of online resources available to learn basic computer troubleshooting. The E-Learning department recommends Help Yourself: Tech Tips Weekly from LinkedIn Learning, which has a vast catalog of expert-led courses on computer technology. This series has an inexpensive fee, but faculty can take advantage of a free trial to finish the series for no cost. Alternatively, visit LinkedIn Learning to search for topics such as web browser tips, file management, computer help, or laptop assistance.
Complete the Quality Matters: Gauging Your Technology Skills workshop. The college funds Quality Matters training for online faculty. Contact to register.
Watch our Instructor Webinar: Managing the Gradebook. This 40-minute instructional webinar demonstrates how to set-up, edit, and manage your Blackboard Ultra Gradebook. If you have follow-up questions, contact the E-Learning Help Desk at
Watch the 20-Minute Mentor video What Is Essential in a Grading Policy? for help establishing the most appropriate and meaningful grading policies for your course. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Watch our Instructor Webinar: Improving Student Engagement. This 40-minute instructional webinar demonstrates how to use tools in your Blackboard Ultra course to communicate with students and help to engage them in the learning objectives of the course. If you have follow-up questions, contact the E-Learning Help Desk at
Watch our Instructor Webinar: Creating Assessments. This 40-minute instructional webinar demonstrates how to create assignments, tests, and other graded items in your Blackboard Ultra course. If you have follow-up questions, contact the E-Learning Help Desk at
Review this help documentation from Blackboard for support in leaving feedback and using grading features in your Blackboard Ultra course. If you have follow-up questions, contact the E-Learning Help Desk at
Complete the Quality Matters: Designing My Online Course workshop. The college funds Quality Matters training for online faculty. Contact to register.
Complete the Quality Matters: Addressing Accessibility and Usability workshop. The college funds Quality Matters training for online faculty. Contact to register.
Complete the Quality Matters: Orienting Your Online Learners workshop. The college funds Quality Matters training for online faculty. Contact to register.
Watch the 20-Minute Mentor video How Can I Optimize Announcements to Help Online Students Navigate My Class? for help focusing the frequency of announcements and establishing a roadmap to help set student expectations. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Complete the Quality Matters: Design That Welcomes Your Learners workshop. The college funds Quality Matters training for online faculty. Contact to register.
Watch the 20-Minute Mentor video How Can I Create an Effective Syllabus for My Online Class? and leave with an outline for creating your own effective syllabus for any online course. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Complete the Quality Matters: Creating Presence in Your Online Course workshop. The college funds Quality Matters training for online faculty. Contact to register.
Watch the 20-Minute Mentor video What are the Communication "Musts" in an Online Class? for help employing specific communication strategies to increase student participation and engagement. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Watch the 20-Minute Mentor video How Can I Develop Online Instructor Presence? for help establihsing vibrant instructor presence that can lead to improved student retention in online classes and more authentic teaching. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Watch the 20-Minute Mentor video How Can I Ensure Academic Integrity in the Online Classroom? to identify both high-tech and low-tech solutions for ensuring academic integrity in online classes. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Watch the 60-minute webinar Grading Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Rigor to learn a grading technique that enhances student learning and reduces instructor burnout. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Watch the 20-Minute Mentor video How Can Course Design Help Prevent Online Cheating? to learn a multipart method proven to reduce dishonest behavior in online courses. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Watch the 20-Minute Mentor video How Can I Develop Online Instructor Presence? for help establishing vibrant instructor presence that can lead to improved student retention in online classes and more authentic teaching. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Watch the 20-Minute Mentor video How Can I Build Community in My Online Classes? to discover effective, easy-to-implement techniques to help instill in your online students the cooperation, trust, respect, and enthusiasm that are hallmarks of strong learning communities. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Watch the 20-Minute Mentor video How Do I Create Social Presence in My Online Classes? to learn specific tools and techniques for successfully building social presence online. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Watch the on-demand seminar 7 Indispensable Strategies to Build Community in Your Online Courses to discover a variety of strategies online instructors can use to build community in their courses. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Check out this list of Collaborative Activities for Online Learning from the University of Calgary's Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning.
Browse this OER toolkit for developing a sense of belonging in an online distance learning course.
Watch this on-demand seminar Using Humor and Levity to Enhance the Online Learning Environment for help finding ways to add humor into your digital presence. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Watch the 20-Minute Mentor video How Do I Infuse Equity into Any Online Class? to identify five equitable practices that you can incorporate into your online courses. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Watch this on-demand seminar Three Secrets to Building Diverse and Inclusive Online Learning Environments to discover instructional strategies that decrease acculturation and increase cultural responsiveness in the online environment. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Complete the Quality Matters: Using Materials & Tech to Promote Learner Engagement workshop. The college funds Quality Matters training for online faculty. Contact to register.
Watch this 20-Minute Mentor video How Can I Guide Online Learning by Engaging with Students? for practical approaches for engaging with your online students. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Watch this 20-Minute Mentor video How Do I Create Questions that Stimulate Engaging Conversations in Online Discussion Boards? for advice on creating questions that promote critical thinking and generate meaningful discussion. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Complete the Quality Matters: Connecting Learning Theories to Your Teaching Strategies workshop. The college funds Quality Matters training for online faculty. Contact to register.
Watch this 20-Minute Mentor video How Can I Design Critical Thinking into My Course? for help identifying the type of content conducive to practicing critical thinking. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Watch this 20-Minute Mentor video What Activities and Assignments Promote Critical Thinking? to discover specific activities and assignments that foster critical thinking. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Watch this on-demand seminar, Creating Critical Thinkers in the Information Age to explore the overlap between information literacy and critical thinking, and gain the necessary tools for your students to develop advanced information literacy and critical thinking skills. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Complete the Quality Matters: Assessing Your Learners workshop. The college funds Quality Matters training for online faculty. Contact to register.
Complete the Quality Matters: Connecting Learning Objectives & Assessments workshop. The college funds Quality Matters training for online faculty. Contact to register.
Watch this 20-Minute Mentor video How Can I Enhance the Impact of Feedback in Online Classes? for feedback strategies that can grab students' attention, help them learn from the ir mistakes, and make your online feedback more specific, timely, and effective. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Watch one or more of these on-demand webinars to learn strategies that will enhance motivation and engagement in your online courses:
To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Watch this 20-Minute Mentor video, How Can I Guide Online Learning by Engaging with Students? to learn five practical strategies to use in an online class to more actively guide student learning. To obtain instructions for accessing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email
Watch this 20-Minute Mentor video, How Can I Encourage Students to Stay Connected with Course Content After Class? to help your students take course topics outside the classroom by getting them to think more deeply. To obtain instructions fo r access ing this video through the college's Magna Digital Library subscription, email